#playsign is participatory playful intervention into places
The main task is simple: go and recreate new photographic interpretation with a (traffic) sign! By doin this we can discover whether an art-based playful placemaking activity can cause individuals to reimagine the rules and expand the possibilities of public space. By enabling site-specific play and boosting ludic aesthetics, we can also generate a sense of attachment to a place.

This is a new development circle of ABAR project first released in 2019. At the current situation we need playfulness more than ever and a chance to renegotiate the rules around us: are they just limiting us or can they become beacons of imaginations and excuses for play.

This activity is safe to play: everyone can play with the signs near them no matter where they are situated.

Finally, via online platform sharing we can find the pleasure of embodied discoveries that others have created. 

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